Monday, November 3, 2008

You Some Kind of Star, No, I'm a Comet, I Just Want You

I signed up for the salsa classes so I can spend some more time with my current love interest. I'm excited to spend more time with him, especially time that involves touching, but I'm incredibly nervous about doing something I'm not good at that he's really good at in front of him. I have heard that a lot of guys enjoy flirting with a girl by teaching her to do something athletic, but I have never been comfortable with that. I'm too much of an uptight perfectionist to believe that a guy I like will like me if he finds out I'm not perfect. (I actually didn't really realize I felt that way until I just wrote that.)

I'm not sure what, if anything, will end up happening with this man. But one thing I will say for him is that after knowing me for about a hot second, he has lured me more outside of my comfort zone than any other man I've ever liked. For this, he deserves many snaps.

1 comment:

me said...

snap, snap, snap!!
break out the snap cup!