Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Your Love Is Like a Shadow on Me All of the Time

I finished Breaking Dawn, the last book in the Twilight series. I could not state my feelings about the book more succinctly than this author, so I will just link to her post. Suffice it to say that I vastly preferred the first three books but that Jacob Black has ruined all other men for me. Jacob is the also-ran love interest in the series, but he is, to my mind, vastly superior to Edward Cullen. Jacob is tall, sexy, young and evidently allergic to wearing shirts in addition to being poor and having pretty hair -- all things that weaken my knees to the point that I am thinking about trolling our nation's Indian reservations for a reasonable facsimile. He is also kind at a level you usually don't find in men not afflicted with a gruesome skin disorder or an abiding love of Magic: The Gathering. If I have learned one thing from the Twilight series, it is that while the male characters in the book are idealized romantic figures, there is no reason to settle for a man who is any less sure of his love for me than Edward or Jacob is of their love for Bella. Life is too short and relationships are too hard to accept less.

My other takeaway point from the books is that I need to take a serious look at writing for real. Stephenie Meyer writes books that I enjoy very much, but she doesn't always do what I want her to do with the characters. If I write my own book, I can write the characters the way I want to. I'm not confident in my ability to write a fiction novel, but I should try to write something aside from just this blog.

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