Thursday, October 22, 2009

Good Times Never Seemed So Good, And I've Been Inclined to Believe They Never Would

With a loud sigh, I decided to dip a toe back into the waters of online dating. It has never really worked for me in the past, but I'm not sure where else I can meet a large pool of available men interested in dating. Mooning around over Goose is getting to the point where even I notice it's pathetic.

I don't know what Goose's deal is. We talk often enough that I know he is interested in keeping up some kind of connection, and I highly suspect (based on his previous statements and the amount of effort he expends on me) that his interests go beyond mere friendship. Even assuming that is true, he still has a girlfriend, and he still can't get it together to see me again until at least 2010. I have yet to read any dating advice books that suggest that this behavior on his part indicates that he is into me.

My expectations for online dating are so incredibly low this time around. I'm not really looking to meet anyone worth dating long-term or even anyone I particularly like (though it would be nice if that happened). Basically, I just want the sense that I'm doing something to meet someone other than Goose. I don't think I'll meet anyone I like more than I like Goose, but maybe I'll get really lucky and meet someone who makes Goose jealous.

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