I did a phone consultation with a psychic on Tuesday. My family has always been pretty into psychics and other things in that vein, which is what I think happens to people who feel fundamentally lost but have no religious upbringing, but I haven't delved into that area in a long time. A friend of mine mentioned she had visited this psychic recently and that the woman was dead-on when it came to work stuff, though she didn't think she was as accurate about romance. For once in my life, I want to know more about work stuff than romance, so I decided to give her a call to see what she saw in my future.
Some of the stuff she said with respect to my job was not surprising. Basically, she sensed without my prompting her that things have not been going well overall at work. She said that it wasn't my fault, and that people were putting things on me and placing expectations on me that I couldn't possibly live up to. She saw me leaving this job soon, probably going to a smaller firm, which would improve my health and overall well-being. I think she made a valid point about the job. Things have gone better lately in terms of the feedback I'm getting, which is obviously great, but it's not a good fit for me in the long run. At some level, I knew that but I hadn't openly acknowledged it. Frankly, in this economy, I'm not sure it's a good time to be engaging in professional fulfillment-type soul searching, but the economy will improve eventually, and it's good to start marshaling my resources for a move when possible.
She also saw me starting my own business down the road, once I have more experience, and she saw that business focused on counseling. She said that if I weren't in law, I would be a psychologist, which is probably true because I am a know-it-all and enjoy advising other people on how to live their lives. (Or, as I prefer to think of it, helping them to identify their goals and the most effective strategies for reaching them.) I have been interested in career counseling for awhile, so that didn't seem wildly off base to me, even though I have never seen myself as an entrepreneur.
Perhaps most importantly, she told me that I am supposed to be writing a book. I don't know why it resonated when a psychic I have never previously met told me that considering that my mom and my best friend have been telling me that for years. I guess it's easy to dismiss a mom or a best friend when she tells you that you have a talent to share with the world because those are people you expect to be supportive to the point of being blind to the limitations of your talents. But having a complete stranger tell me makes me think that maybe it is something I should be doing. I wish I had some idea what I was supposed to be writing a book about.