Monday, May 26, 2008

The (Galapagos) Tortoise and the Hare

This weekend, after some creative manipulation of vacation days for next year, I decided I could squeeze in a trip to the Galapagos Islands (#16 on my list) next Memorial Day. I realize the trip is an entire year away, but I'm already excited and debating whether a side trip to Ecuador's famed Otovalo Market is worth it.

As psycho as I am when it comes to advance vacation planning, I realized recently that I have nothing on people who take cruises. Before booking my trip, I had briefly pondered whether my family might all cruise the Galapagos Islands together for an important event in 2010. Not only did the cruise line I like already have their Galapagos dates posted for the date that interested me, but some of the classes of rooms were sold out. Damn, cruise people. I doff my cap to their advanced planning skillz and look forward to joining their ranks one day.

If everything goes according to my plans, by the end of 2009, I will have completed six of the 17 trips on my list. Very impressive. However, nothing is for sure yet, since the Galapagos trip and my trip to Egypt and Dubai are not classified as "guaranteed departures" by the tour companies I'm using. So we shall see.

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