Sunday, February 22, 2009

Time Goes By So Slowly for Those Who Wait

I haven't received a response from the Egypt guy to my email yesterday.

I am not good at this part of having a relationship, the part where things start to get real. Usually, this is where things go to shit for me. In this case, it's especially difficult because the relationship is currently confined to email. I have no way of knowing if his lack of response is because he hasn't checked his email or had time to write back or if it's because something I said rubbed him the wrong way and he has no intention of responding. I hate that. My instinct is that he'll call or email soon, but there is no way for me to know that for sure.

The other problem is the part of the relationship where I realize the guy isn't perfect. When I first meet someone, I'm able to pretend that he's flawless or, at the very least, that all of his flaws are a perfectly complement to my own quirks. Obviously, that isn't going to be the case. Someone might be perfect for me and yet still do things that grate or annoy. I'm starting to see pieces of this guy filter in that don't sit quite right with me, and I have to decide whether they are deal breakers or not.

In any case, that might be irrelevant if he never gets in touch again.

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