Friday, October 3, 2008

My Mind Has Changed My Body's Frame, But, God, I Like It

The weight loss slowed down a little bit this week. I lost only 0.4 pounds, but it still beats gaining.

In other news, Snowflake and I went out for another cookie today. When I asked him about his plans for the weekend, he mentioned that he is going out of town to visit a girl he is "sort of" dating from his hometown (located no fewer than six hours away, so not exactly right around the corner). He indicated that although she is "nice" and "a cute girl" (lovely lukewarm sentiments), he isn't so into her because she's not "intellectually curious" and "the conversations are blah." I wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him while pointing out that his conversations with me are scintillating and effervescent. Despite the fact that I had to spend some of my Weight Watchers points on eating the cookie, it was worth it because I found out why he's been sending me these crazy mixed signals. If he doesn't know what's going on in his dating life, how can he possibly send out any kind of clear message one way or another about his level of interest in me?

1 comment:

me said...

"scintillating and effervescent"
I like that!