Tuesday, May 19, 2009

You Look So Dumb Right Now, Standing Outside my House, Trying to Apologize

The latest from the new guy:

Okay, so are you going to say anything anytime soon or are you going to continue ignoring me?

My response was:

When I said I forgave you, I absolutely meant it and still do mean it. When I said I care about you, I absolutely meant it and still do mean it. But forgiving you for things you've done only encompasses the past. The issue of whether we should have a relationship going forward is a separate question, and I don't believe it is a good idea at this point.

He can't be serious, can he? He ignored me for a fucking month and when he finally did talk to me after I hounded him into doing so, he spent half the email talking about the hot chick he was formerly fucking. Now, because he magically decides he wants to resume a relationship, I need to respond tout de suite or he will have a tantrum.


Apparently, he can be serious. His response:

Who said anything about a relationship??? I only added you on Facebook as a friend. I am not looking to pursue anything with you, so relax yourself!

My response:

A relationship of any kind, including friendship. I understood you were as disinterested in pursuing something romantic with me as I am with you.

His response:

LOL Whatever! If you're going to be like this then it's you who is losing out, not me. Friends or no friends, having you on Facebook is not going to harm anyone or anything. But fine, suit yourself.

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