Tuesday, September 29, 2009

I Want to Put Your Number on the Call Block

I continue to having problems with Klingon, and it is not cool. He Facebook messaged me yesterday, which would have been fine if I didn't already kind of hate him, and I actually told a friend of mine that I thought he was easing up a little on the persistence. Then, he undid his good work by calling me last night at 9:30, right as I was preparing to go to bed.

Here's the thing: anger accrues. None of the things Klingon has done, by themselves, would be enough to push me over the edge to homicide. If someone I wasn't already annoyed with did any of those things, I would be mildly irritated but it would quickly pass. It's the fact that he's done all of those things that makes me insane.

I gave all of this some (infuriated) thought last night. My issues in this situation are many.

1) I am invested in seeing myself as a nice person. Ignoring people or being deliberately callous to them goes against the image I have of myself as nice. I resent Klingon for pushing me to act against my image of myself with his inability to back off. Maybe it's time to cast aside that self-perception anyway. I think I've slid right from being nice into being a doormat in a lot of situations. I might have let "nice" be defined as being whatever other people need me to be instead of being myself. I've certainly let my image of myself as nice prevent me from defining boundaries in relationships. It's just not healthy to let the other person have complete control over defining the relationship.

2) I resent the intrusion on my life. I spend as much time being angry after Klingon calls and I don't answer his call as I would if I just picked up the phone.

So, I blocked his ass on my cell phone.

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