Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Get Up Stand Up 2

I was giving some more thought to what I was saying a few days ago about my friend's pronouncement that I won't get married for another ten years because I'm still enjoying the process of finding out who I am. I think some people form romantic relationships as a way to figure out who they are, and that can be an effective strategy, but it's not one that has ever really worked well for me. Specifically, I've used romantic entanglements to sort out my relationship with my father by choosing men who are similar to my father. But I got tired of that because it never left me feeling better about myself at the end than at the beginning. Since I deliberately stopped dating guys like my dad, I've been single but, overall, happier.

That doesn't mean that I'm closed off to the idea of finding someone to go out with -- just that my view of what that means and what I expect to get out of it is in transition right now.

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