Thursday, April 3, 2008

Thnks fr th Mmrs

To paraphrase Bodie from The Wire, I'm about to lose my composure out this bitch. I have three good friends who are currently all acting like jerks, and I am tired of this shit.

Friend #1 is my oldest friend. He and I have known each other since elementary school, and we've been good friends for about the past 15 years. He forgot my birthday (which has not changed in the past decade and a half of our friendship) and he hasn't responded to my last three emails, one of which was to alert him to my impending visit to the city where he lives and to suggest we get together while I'm there. He's flaky anyway, but this is some bullshit.

Friend #2 is a friend of very long-standing too -- almost 10 years. She too forgot my birthday, which is unusual for her. She moved back to her home state a year or two ago, and, about six months or so ago, she met a guy and I've hardly heard from her since. We used to be so close, but her life is a mystery to me now. I was hurt that I wasn't hearing from her, and her failure to remember my birthday added insult to injury. I'm not saying I never want to talk to her again, but I'm not going to be the first one to reach out. As far as I'm concerned, she owes me an email, not the other way around.

Friend #3 is a more recent acquaintance. I met him about two years ago when we worked together at my last job. We were very close (strictly friendship) during our time as colleagues, and although we naturally grew apart a bit when he moved to a new city to go back to school and I moved to a new city for a fresh start, I haven't received responses from him to my last couple of emails. He also forgot my birthday, despite the fact that both of us are members of a networking website that motherfucking reminds subscribers of their friend's birthdays. I should mention here that not only did I remember his birthday, I sent him a gift. I didn't expect a gift in return, but I certainly expected an email or a text message at the very least. A phone call would have been even nicer. My irritation at his forgetfulness and neglect bubbled up into anger today when I saw that he had used this networking website to send a birthday wish to a mutual acquaintance of ours yesterday. So, not only does he know how to use this website's fucking birthday feature, but he was online horsing around yesterday and couldn't be bothered to respond to the email I sent to him.


Let it be said that I have no idea of anything I might have done to any of these people to make them cold toward me or to make them angry. None of them has reproached me for anything. I can't think of anything myself that I might have done. I've barely talked to any of them enough to cause offense. So, now I'm just mad.

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