Saturday, March 7, 2009

The Girl She Was in New England is Different Now and Dead

So, I think things have already bottomed out with my new boy and damned if I can figure out what happened.

The last time I heard from him was his note to me on Tuesday morning about which I posted. Thursday was his birthday, and I sent him a couple of emails, but I received no response. I thought for sure that he would call me on his birthday so we could talk, but he didn't. I thought he would call me last night too, but he didn't call me then either. He was on Facebook at least for brief periods on Wednesday and Thursday nights, which is the real reason I'm upset. He was online, and he chose not to spend any of that time corresponding with me.

Yesterday morning, I sent him an email basically just doing a pulse check and reminding him that it's my birthday tomorrow and saying that I hoped to hear from him soon. Then I spent the entire day in my office with the door shut crying.

I don't understand what's going on here. Monday, he was lobbying to move in with me for a month. Tuesday, he told me he was thinking about me. Then, he drops off the face of the earth. Did he get freaked out about how fast things were moving, even though he was the one pushing them along? Did something happen to him? Did he suddenly realize that I'm not worth it? I'm torn between worrying about him and wanting to burn down his house.

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