Friday, March 27, 2009

If I Never See Your Face Again, I Don't Mind

I'm feeling like a new person today. I got my hair all chopped off, bought plane tickets to Guatemala for November (yes, I realize that is 8 months away, but it still buoys the spirit) and went to an acupuncture/cupping appointment (my back is a giant, glorious bruise). All of these things made me feel like I don't have to be upset about the new boy anymore. I still wish things had worked out differently, but they didn't, and there are good aspects to that like the ability to bugger off on a cool vacation to a random Central American country because I feel like it. Plus, I think getting the haircut and the acupuncture released some of the stored emotion and made me feel good because I was taking care of myself. So, this is the best I've felt in a week, and I hope to hold on to this feeling.

1 comment:

me said...

I have always thought that a haircut does wonders when you need to move along and not dwell on the most recent part of life!

I find it very freeing.

Travel def helps too!