Thursday, April 16, 2009

Controlling, You Say That You Love Me But You Don't

I haven't heard from the new guy since our dust-up on Tuesday.

I've had so many other things going on that I haven't had as much time as I normally would to dwell on this. Last night, Teh Doggeh and I spent the night at a hotel to avoid the mice in my apartment. The landlord came in yesterday and stuffed crevices full of steel wool and caulk to impede rodent entry, but I didn't want to take the chance that a mouse would wake me up at three o'clock in the morning because I had a job interview today, and I needed to be as fresh and well-rested as possible. I slept for about 15 glorious hours.

I think the job interview went all right. I was the first candidate interviewed, so I think the interviewer was guarded because he doesn't know yet what my competition will be like. I thought the job sounded good, but it didn't sound like something I would be in love with. That said, I'll be disappointed if I'm not offered the position because I don't have any other interviews scheduled at the moment.

Between the rodent invasion and the job interview (and stress of finding other jobs for which to apply), I haven't had the energy to pander to the new guy's snit. I also don't think the onus is on me to call him, despite the fact that I've basically conditioned him to think that every time we have a fight, I'll make he effort to repair the breach. If anything good has come out of the frayed nerves I have from job searching and mouse eradicating, it's that I don't have the patience for asshole tolerating.

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